Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Project #1

Original photo for photoshop project #1

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Digital Art 7-25

The introduction to digital arts opened my eyes to the fact that the term digital arts, computer arts, multimedia, or new media art, whatever you would like to call it, is a vast and expansive title for many different forms of art. As with many things computers were first thought of to aid the military, yet things slowly evolved. We began to think of this technoligy to aid artwork or just be the artwork itself. 

I think that laszlo Moholy-Nagy's Kinetic Sculpture Moving c 1933 is beautiful, even if a
 photograph. This new technology was much more than art soley produced by computers such as the artwork produced by John Witney and others. 
Technoligy could be used to give instruction to create works of art such as in Charles Csuri's Hummingbird 1967. It has beautiful line, and an engaging composition and theory. 

With all of this new technology came the idea to connect many people, weather for the goverment though file and text sharing, or weather it was Davis in Kassel Germany who got together a satilete telecast that connected 25 countries with many different performances!
Digital arts also connects people in many other ways. People from many different fields such as artists, programmers, engineirs, and designers all work together to create and invent. 
The debate over where and how to view digital art, should it be viewed in a gallery or should it remain on the internet, is a moot piont for me. We have something with enormous potential to expand and explore many facets of life, we should concentrate on that. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Artist Comments

I loved Gregory Crewdon's artowrk. He took realistic almost ordinary scenes of everyday life, and using light and intuition, created a feeling of a private moment being captured. His images were intame and have a haunting and somewhat sad quality about them. Because of these feelings being brought up in me I became emotional invested. Who is the naked women in many of the images? What story do these narrative artworks convey? These images are beautiful in their own unique way. I am drawn in and want to see and know more.

Tuen Hocks uses lighting to set a mood of wonder. The scenes he creates are almost realistic yet he brings an element of wonder to his peices. There is an aspect that is unexpected such as Untitled (playing with train). It is almost magical to see the older man on a large set of train tracks as it loops around and becomes a small train, almost like a toy.

I did not have a strong connection wiht Jeff Wall's artwork. It had a sense of staged tradgedy. Some works were a bit absurd wile others were mundane. He takes ordinary everyday scenes but does not make me care or look twice such as in A View From An Apartment. He has a few intriguing compostions and puzzling pieces such as The Storyteller and the Volunteer and he has a definete personal style through his words vary and he is creative and works many different ways. However, overall I am not passionate about his artwork.

As I went through Cindy Sherman's work I was instantly struck by the subtle sensuality if not sexuality of her photographs, yet they have much more of a presense than just a women looking alluring. Her photographs are cheeky, unique, real, dynamic, and capture a women's essense and emotion all at the same time wile still being powerful and strong. What a feat. Even in some photographs or film stills when a women is crying, the real emotion is there! There is vulnerability and composure coexisting. She works all these emotions into her black an white photograps beautifully and keeps the fact that her work is "about the idea"..."not high art" so that people, such as me, are able to realte. Her simple yet well thought out compositions complete the beauty of her artwork.