Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Self Visualization

My intent with this project was to make the connection between me, my body and journey with the power and structure of a tree, a form of a plant that I have always been inspired by and have related too. As I painted different parts of my body, namely my leg, stomach, and chest I used a lighter painting style, the branches getting smaller and more delicate as they rose to my neck. My concept for my triptych was to portray the stability and power of the trunk of the tree for I have always had powerful roots in family and friends. The branches on my stomach show my growing up and branching out. The branches on my chest and neck are my outstretched ready to grow up and out symbolizing my future. In these three separate but seamless uses of body parts I wanted to metaphorically show my growth of my life in three parts.
My final concept for displaying my image would be to print the image out on canvas using the wide format printer so that the image would stand around 3 feet tall. This would allow the image to be large and striking however still maintain the images intimate feel going along with my self visualization concept of painting myself nude. If this image was taller I feel like people would dismiss the image because it would be human size and therefore to familiar. I would print the image on canvas so that it would have stability and a richer visual quality. Overall I’d hope the overall effect would be an intimate visually engaging and mentally questioning image.

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